|  | Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming, 2000Program- Dominique Boucher. "GOld: a link-time optimizer for Scheme". Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. September 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Kenneth R. Anderson, Timothy J. Hickey and Peter Norvig. "SILK: a playful blend of Scheme and Java". Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. September 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Oleg Kiselyov. "Implementing Metcast in Scheme". Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. September 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Bradley J. Lucier. "Numerical partial differential equations in Scheme". Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. September 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Jean-Francois Rotge. "SGDL-Scheme: A high-level algorithmic language for projective solid modeling programming". Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. September 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Danny Dubé. "BIT: A very compact Scheme system for embedded applications". Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. September 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Mario Latendresse. "Automatic generation of compact programs and virtual machines for Scheme". Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. September 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Erik Hilsdale and Daniel P. Friedman. "Writing macros in continuation-passing style". Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. September 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Eijiro Sumii. "An implementation of transparent migration on standard Scheme". Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. September 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Marc Feeley. "A portable implementation of first-class continuations for unrestricted interoperability with C in a multithreaded Scheme". Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. September 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Paul A. Steckler. "Component support for PLT Scheme". Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. September 2000. Available online: ps pdf.

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